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AFFiNE: Jotai in the New Page List

November 2, 2023
In the following two PRs the AFFiNE team rewrite the page list component. This time we use Jotai to make the component more data reactive. This means that all nodes should react to changes in the root's prop value, without having to pass props around.
There are several things that may need attention in the implementation.

Atom Provider Scopingh2

we will use createIsolation to create a scoped provider for <PageList />
export const {
  Provider: PageListProvider,
} = createIsolation();
For the atoms that is scoped in page list, we will use the useAtom/useAtomValue etc from createIsolation to make sure they will still work correctly if multiple page lists are rendered side by side.

Syncing props with atomh2

We want the descendant element in the React tree to be reactive to the root props. Let's assume that the props will be synchronized with pageListPropsAtom. First, we need to wrap the outermost component with a provider. The provider is given initial values so that scoped atoms always have default values and we don't have to handle nulls.
<PageListProvider initialValues={[[pageListPropsAtom, props]]}>
then, add a useEffect to sync props with the atom value after the first render
useEffect(() => {
}, [props, setPageListPropsAtom]);

Atom Selecth2

Now, the child node within the provider will have access to the scoped atom. We can create reactive atoms based on the prop value of the root list. However, one important thing to consider is that we should not always directly use pageListPropsAtom. This is because props will inevitably change during re-rendering, which leads to renewing pageListPropsAtom and causing dependent atoms to be recalculated when consuming it.
A typical solution is to use selectAtom. https://jotai.org/docs/utilities/select
// whether or not the table is in selection mode (showing selection checkbox & selection floating bar)
const selectionActiveAtom = atom(false);

export const selectionStateAtom = atom(
  get => {
    const baseAtom = selectAtom(
      props => {
        const { selectable, selectedPageIds, onSelectedPageIdsChange } = props;
        return {
    const baseState = get(baseAtom);
    const selectionActive =
      baseState.selectable === 'toggle'
        ? get(selectionActiveAtom)
        : baseState.selectable;
    return {
  (_get, set, active: boolean) => {
    set(selectionActiveAtom, active);
Note: in selectAtom it will use a third param to let jotai to know if the atom value is changed. The default comparator is Object.is, but it may not work well for objects or arrays.
In the first version, we are using isEqual from lodash. However it seems not working well for ArrayBuffers.
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